Quality and environment

CJSC Belarusian Oil Company  is aware of its responsibility for the quality and safety of petroleum products sold.In order to simplify the purchasing decision, buyers are given accurate and relevant information about the quality of petroleum products sold.

CJSC Belarusian Oil Company  permanently monitors and prevents possible causes loss of quality petroleum products during their reception, transportation, storage, shipment.

Motor gasolines sold by CJSC Belarusian Oil Company and its subsidiaries comply with the requirements of European standard EN 228. Diesel fuel complies with the requirements of European standard EN 590. Compliance of the sold motor fuels with Technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 013/2011 makes it possible to supply motor fuels to the market of the Customs Union member states.

CJSC Belarusian Oil Company values the opinion of its committed partners and therefore day by day analyzes their changing demands, and brings the information on preferences in the petroleum products market to refining industry enterprises for them to improve the quality and the range of products. In order to reduce the environmental pressure a systematic work is carried out to increase the supplies share of fuel with reduced content of hazardous pollutants, including sulfur.

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RUE «PA «Belorusneft»
OJSC «Naftan»
OJSC «Mozyr Oil Refinery»